Konrad Wiśniewski like many other students wanted to do an internship to build his skills whilst studying. He was offered a placement at ATOM Media and gives us an account of the social media and ePR skills he built doing this internship.
Konrad Wiśniewski,
Journalism and Social Communication,
University of Lodz
ATOM Agency needed help to free up staff time to start new projects…….
ATOM Media Interaktywne is an interactive agency based in Łódź, Poland. The agency employs 20-25 people and offers interactive services for companies – such as SEO, social media services etc. It has been established for 14 years. During his placement, Konrad worked for ATOM for 3 month – 35 hours a 5-days week.
ATOM was looking for a student to help them with their social media / ePR activities so the agency would be able to service more clients in a better way. They were looking for a business oriented person, open-minded and with a lot of enthusiasm.
Konrad journalism focus was put to use by ATOM
Konrad was given practical interactive marketing tasks that helped ATOM in everyday operations. We benefitted in expanding his experience with a lot of practical and useful knowledge and skills. He was working using professional marketing tools and was able to better understand how different interactive marketing tasks – such as media monitoring – work in practice.
ATOM benefitted from Konrad’s work as during his placement they were able to increase the number of clients without compromising the quality of their output.
The employer set defined objectives and responsibilities for Dominik:
Helping the team with conceptual work, updating media database, writing valuable content, creating social media campaigns for clients, social media activities.
Konrad gained valuable practical and professional experience
During his placement, Konrad was not only able to expand his interactive marketing experience, but also expand his general business and professional skills. He was working in a team, coordinated work with numerous people and functions within the agency. He was also responsibility for the management of his work professionally, work on data, goals, tasks and deadlines taking responsibility for his actions and decisions.
ATOM gained trusted employee
Konrad was employed by ATOM after this placement. Cooperation was beneficial to both sides to such an extent that Konrad has successfully recommended placements in ATOM to his friends. ATOM also appreciated Konrad’s work and is willing to come back to University with further placement needs.
‘New person in a team always brings some fresh air, is stimulating to the group’
“Placements like this is a tremendously valuable experience. Not only from the perspective of knowledge and skills gained but also you can get positive references and great addition to you CV – experiences like this are tremendously important on for future employers”
If you are like Konrad and love digital then why not join us in Sofia for the launch of our Masters in Digital Marketing Course? Here you will learn about how to build a digital marketing strategy, how social media helps businesses and much more!