Digital Marketing experts

JEMSS Conference: Bringing Digital Marketing experts closer to you

It is a few days to the first ever Joint European Masters in Digital and Social Media Marketing (JEMSS) conference and the excitement is palpable! It can be likened to that which is felt when a child is born!

On September 14, 2016, a diverse group of people from within and outside Bulgaria will converge on the Grand Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria, to discuss Digital and Social Media Marketing. Their #passion4digital will shine through, and light up the streets of Sofia!


The benefits of an internship – Eglė Žalnerauskaitė at Cocos

Eglė Žalnerauskaitė was a Marketing BSc student at Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania. She wanted to build and strengthen her social media skills and therefore did a 10-week internship with an agency named COCOs. Read all about the benefits of her internship here! Cocos is a digital marketing agency located in Kaunas, Lithuania. The[…]

Internship with ATOM AGENCY , Poland

Konrad Wiśniewski like many other students wanted to do an internship to build his skills whilst studying. He was offered a placement at ATOM Media and gives us an account of the social media and ePR skills he built doing this internship. Konrad Wiśniewski, Journalism and Social Communication, University of Lodz ATOM Agency needed help to free[…]


How An African Gained World Class Education in Social Media & Digital Marketing for €0!

This is Toka’s Story of how his #passion4digital led by Social Media & Digital Marketing MOOC delivered by  the Salford Business School and how it has transformed his dreams of making a living online into reality.  Hi! I’m Toka (meaning: high quality/standard) and my quest to work in digital began when I was 15. Being African[…]