Is TikTok the next big thing in Social Media?

Is TikTok the next BIG Thing? The answer is YES and NO. So, why Tiktok? Let me explain. Many professionals, influencers and specialists have been trying to forecast recently and predict what’s next. What’s the next Facebook, the next Snapchat, or the next Instagram? and this has shifted all eyes on TikTok. Research shows that[…]

Marta masters in digital marketing

Another day developing the Joint European Masters in Digital and Social Media Marketing!

The development of the JEMSS project, which will ultimately produce a market leading Joint European Masters In Digital and Social Media Marketing, is well under way and in fact has now passed the half way stage. What began as an idea from deep within the academic think tanks of European Universities, is now blossoming into[…]

Students in Class

Top 10 tips to improve your website and digital identity #Passion4Digital

Here at Salford Business School, our MSc Digital Marketing and Business IT students are often building their own websites and connecting their professional social media networks to create a professional digital identity online. For many careers in IT and business, this digital identity can be a really important and powerful tool. It enables you to engage with a much wider audience[…]

A Masters in Digital Marketing: The key to success

Having a bachelors degree in a marketing related field might be useful, but have you ever considered the number of people nowadays studying an undergraduate course?! The number is significantly rising and to outshine the competition you have to offer additional skills to the job market. Many courses teach traditional marketing which is based on[…]