A Masters in Digital Marketing: The key to success

Image (CC) Social Media Class by mkhmarketing

Image (CC) Social Media Class by mkhmarketing

Having a bachelors degree in a marketing related field might be useful, but have you ever considered the number of people nowadays studying an undergraduate course?! The number is significantly rising and to outshine the competition you have to offer additional skills to the job market.

Many courses teach traditional marketing which is based on outdated marketing strategies such as TV commercials and print media. This used to be a relatively straight forward marketing approach. However, things have changed with the advent of a new medium: DIGITAL MARKETING.

The rise of Social Media

Image (CC) Scoble's Social Media Starfish by Darren Barefoot

Image (CC) Scoble’s Social Media Starfish by Darren Barefoot

The majority of people today prefer engaging on social media networks that are accessible by a range of technological devices. It could a computer, tablets or a mobile phone. The number of communication channels for people today is immense. This makes the marketing concept particularly complex, as it is not easy to analyse what target audience you are facing with an advertisement. Furthermore, as everything becomes global, the number of competitors is rising.

Digital marketing is not as easy as it seems, since social media is constantly changing, and not everyone thinks thoroughly before engaging on it. The only way to be successful with digital marketing in future is to understand the dynamics of it. This is easier for the younger generations, as they already possess social media skills. However it is not too late to jump on the bandwagon!

Become an expert

A degree in Digital Marketing may open many doors for a successful marketing career, as it is sure to become essential in marketing. Due to the global character of social media, an international operating course is tailored to offer students all necessary skills. The Joint European Masters in Digital and Social Media Marketing is the key to become a professional in digital marketing.

Why study digital marketing?

Why study digital marketing inforgraphic

Not only does this course connect a range of European universities to offer an international environment, it also includes highly skilled personnel providing you the latest techniques in Digital and Social Media Marketing. JEMSS project works with a variety of digital marketing agencies, which could well prove advantageous, as connections are fundamental in today’s business. A masters degree in Digital and Social Media Marketing offers you unique opportunities and prepares you for the future of digital marketing.

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